
When Should I Call the Professionals For a Plant Diagnosis?

Call Professionals for Plant Diagnosis

When it comes to owning plants, you soon realize there can be a lot more involved than simply watering them every so often. In fact, the type of plant, as well as the environment that surrounds it can create a plethora of possibilities, which can determine whether they thrive or not.

With that said, there are several things that can happen during the lifespan of your plant. So how do you know if the issue is a DIY fix or requires a professional plant diagnosis? We’re going to outline 3 projects that you should at least get professional supervision, if not let the pros just do outright.

Choosing The Right Plants

There’s a bit more involved in choosing the right plants beyond “this looks nice”. People forget that plants are living things that must be able to thrive in its environment for everything to work out, otherwise it’s a waste of time and money. After all, your plant diagnosis starts with the plants you decide to own and nurture!

Taking Care of Your Trees

Contrary to what most think, trees require more than sunlight and oxygen. So when it comes to taking care of your trees – it’s essential to scope out your area to keep your house and property safe, while ensuring your trees are disease-free – that’s a task best left to the professionals.

Enhancing Your Soil

Your plants, trees and shrubs can only be as healthy as the soil they sit on top of. This means the majority of your plant’s needs come from one place, making it all the more important to have someone with experience in charge. 

There are plenty of DIY tricks you can use to ensure the health and wellbeing of your plants, but some things are simply cut out for professionals only. Think you may need a professional plant diagnosis? Feel free to contact one of our ISA-certified arborists to schedule an appointment today!

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