
Tips for Choosing the Right Tick Control Company in the Hamptons

Tick Control Hamptons

Living in the Hamptons is like nowhere else. The region’s scenic beauty is unmatched anywhere. Its beaches are pristine, the locality supports a renowned wine industry, and its tourism draws visitors from around the world. Unfortunately, in this paradise, there is the threat of an annual tick infestation that cannot be ignored. Deer, beautiful, graceful, and prolific, are nevertheless unwitting hosts to deer tick parasites who not only spread Lyme disease but also lesser known diseases such as Powassan, Anaplasmosis, Babesiosis, and Ehrlichiosis. To prevent the spread of tick borne illnesses, many residents will search online for “tick control hamptons”. That is a fine start, but the only name they need in their cell phone contacts is Organically Green Horticultural Services. 

Ask your most discriminating friends and neighbors and they will recommend Organically Green for the most reliable tick control in the Hamptons. We offer effective organic and chemical spray programs designed to rout any potential infestations as well as to remediate an existing tick problem. Our goal: enable you, your family, and your guests to enjoy your property season after season. In addition our ISA-certified arborists provide horticultural services that include plant healthcare diagnostic consulting, monitoring, and tree root growth enhancement services.

Local residents should never be at a loss when locating the best local company that offers tick control. Hamptons residents who require excellence in customer service as well as a tick control program specifically designed to meet their needs, turn to the licensed professionals at Organically Green. Across the Island, as well as the North and South Forks, our company is known for our uncompromising attention to remediate our clients’ pest control needs. To request a tick control estimate, contact us today.

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