Pesticide Labels
- Acclaim Extra Herbicide
- Acephate 97UP
- Agri-Fos Systemic Fungicide
- Agri-Star Captan 4L
- Allectus 0.225 Insecticide Plus Fertilizer
- Alligare Triclopyr 4
- Astro Insecticide
- Baseline Insecticide
- Bifen I/T
- Bifen I/T 2ee
- BioPlex All Ocean
- BioPlex Fertile Fusion 12-4-6
- BioPlex Stress Stopper Plant & Soil Rehab Rx
- Bonide Fruit Tree Spray
- Bonide Sulfur
- Broadform
- Broadform 2ee
- Broadform SLN
- Captain Jack’s Copper Fungicide
- Cease
- Cedarcide PCO Choice
- Chase Mole and Gopher Repellent
- Conserve SC
- Daconil WeatherStik
- Deer Pro Spring/Summer
- Deer Pro Winter
- Dimension 2EW
- Distance Insect Growth Regulator
- Distance Insect Growth Regulator 2ee
- Drexel Captan 4L
- Drexel Carbaryl 4L
- Drexel Carbaryl 4L- 2ee for Spotted Lantern Fly
- EcoVia EC
- EcoVia MT
- Endeavor
- Essentria M&T
- Foray XG
- Goose Stopper – 2
- Heritage
- Heritage 2ee
- Horsepower Selective Herbicide
- Kick STARTER 5-10-5
- Lebanon Fertilizer With Allectus 0.225 G
- Lesco Pre-M 0.86 Plus Fertilizer
- Lesco Stonewall 0.43 Plus Fertilizer
- Lockup
- M-Pede
- Manzate Max T&O
- Milky Spore
- Milstop SP
- Mole Scram
- Nu-Arbor Plant Wash
- Nufarm Prosedge
- ONYX Pro – 2
- Organocide
- Polyphosphite 30
- Pristine
- Pure Spray 10E
- Pure Spray Green
- Quali Pro Abamectin
- Quali Pro Bifenthrin IT 7.9 F
- Quali-pro Bifenthrin IT 7.9 F 2ee spotted lanternfly
- Quali Pro Chlorothalonil 720 SFT
- Quali Pro Dithiopyr L
- Quali Pro Propiconazole 14.3
- Quali Pro TM 4.5
- Quali-pro Imidacloprid 2F
- Quali-pro Imidacloprid 2ee
- Quali-pro Imidacloprid 2F 2ee spotted lanternfly
- Regalia Biofungicide
- Reliant Systemic Fungicide
- Rhapsody
- Round Up Pro
- Sanctuary 3-0-20 Fertilizer
- Sedgehammer
- Sevin SL
- Shotgun Repels-All
- Sluggo
- Solu-Cal
- Speedzone EW Broadleaf Herbicide
- Spotrete F
- Spring Valley + .42 Prodiamine
- Spring Valley Plant Nutrient
- Super Trimec Broadleaf Herbicide
- Surround At Home Crop Protectant
- Talstar Professional P
- Talstar Professional P 2ee
- TCS GrowStar Allectus
- TCS GrowStar Turf Fertilizer
- Tenacity Herbicide
- Tick Killz
- TransFilm SL
- Turflon Ester Ultra