
Hiring Professionals for Long Island Tick Spraying

Long Island Tick Spraying

Every homeowner considers the cost of maintaining their property, and often first thinks they can save money by controlling ticks and mosquitos themselves. Every Spring they’ll spend a Saturday at the warehouse store sizing up the newest consumer products to rout these pests. And in the past, these intrepid homeowners may have met with some success. Or not. Here is what most who try to keep up with seasonal pest control by themselves have discovered, along with what, to these weekend warriors, has become the obvious solution.

Anyone who has tried to maintain their property quickly learns that Long Island tick spraying is not a job for the layman. Another common mistake is to consult their landscaping service, thinking that the team that mows their lawn might be the right firm to hire to keep ticks and mosquitoes at bay. They’d be wrong.

Instead, consider the services of a company that specializes in safe yet effective Long Island tick spraying. Organically Green Horticultural Services serves every town from the Hamptons and the North Fork to the county line villages of Oyster Bay and Huntington right into Manhattan. We specialize in organic tick control services to help prevent the spread of Lyme disease and lesser-known ailments such as Powassan, anaplasmosis, babesiosis, and ehrlichiosis (as not even chemicals can be 100% effective against ticks). Additionally, harsh commercial tick sprays can kill ‘good insects’ such as butterflies and bees and even damage your lawn and/or contaminate the soil. Therefore, it is not just a matter of keeping your family safe, but also protecting your local environment that makes hiring professional organic pest control companies a sound idea. 

Save your property, protect your family and the environment, as well as reclaim your weekends: contact the Long Island tick spraying professionals at Organically Green Horticultural Services. To learn more, contact us or submit our form

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