
Effective Long Island Tick Control Benefits

Long Island Tick Control

You might be thinking about maintaining your property by switching to effective Long Island Tick Control services. That is not only a sound idea for keeping your family and pets safe from harmful ticks, as well as additional benefits to making this commitment, and we’ll detail them in this posting.

Long Island is known worldwide for its natural beauty, from its shorelines to the primeval pine barrens. It is also a breeding ground for parasites such as ticks, and the time to rout these pests is now, before they can make inroads into your family’s life and health. Reduce their numbers by beginning to spray as soon as the nighttime temps rise above 32 degrees. Repeat every four weeks throughout the season and there will be fewer invaders to contend with. 

It is likely that your greatest concern relative to tick control is keeping your family and pets safe from Lyme disease. However, it is also important to consider maintaining the environment. Commercial tick control sprays can also kill bees, butterflies, praying mantises, and other beneficial garden insects. Avoid disrupting the natural cycle of life for these beloved creatures, as well as protecting your lawn and landscaping using Long Island tick control services from Organically Green. 

It is important to protect the local environment. That is why Organically Green Horticultural Services utilizes safe and effective products for our tick control clients. From Montauk to Manhattan and back again, we are the optimal choice to keep your home, garden, and family safe from tick-borne diseases this season and seasons to come. 

To learn more about Long Island tick control services, contact us today! 

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