
Professional Spotted Lanternfly & Beech Leaf Disease Treatment Services

Organically Green’s cutting-edge beech leaf and spotted lanternfly treatment services are specially designed to help Long Island residents alleviate a common, yet potentially devastating problem. To note, many Long Islanders are quick to assume that issues of this sort are ‘not serious’ and therefore, don’t require professional attention. While this may be correct in some Read More »

How to Keep Your Plants Healthy During the Winter Months

The winter months represent some of the most trying times for plants. As a result, the horticultural professionals at Organically Green employ their cutting-edge plant healthcare tactics and strategies to help plants not only survive, but thrive all year round! However, while some more intensive efforts call for nothing short of a professional touch, there Read More »

The Benefits of Tree and Shrub Fertilization

Fertilization shouldn’t end with your grass, as it is ideal for trees and shrubs as well. While your typical gardener might (wrongfully) overlook this integral step, it’s actually one of the best, most proactive measures you can take in ensuring the long-term health of your shrubs and trees. 

Why is Plant Health Care Important?

Plants, trees, and shrubs are only able to thrive as well as their local environment allows them to. Given all the exterior forces that can affect their ability to thrive, such as environmental stress, pests, and competition for nutrients – health-related issues are quite common. The many factors that can impact a plant’s health can Read More »

Prepare Your Garden for Spring

It’s finally that time of year! Spring is almost here! It’s time to prepare your garden for another growing season.  Hopefully, through the winter you’ve been staying on top of things like deadheading and pruning that way you have a head start on cleanup tasks, but if you haven’t now is the time to start! Read More »

When Do I Start Mowing My Lawn?

Spring is coming and your lawn is getting ready to wake up from the long winter. But when is the best time to start mowing your lawn? The best time to mow your lawn is in early spring after the risk of frost has passed. You don’t want to shock your grass’s new growth by Read More »

Hay Bale Gardening

Hay bale gardening, or straw bale gardening—as it should be called—is a great way to make your growing season easy and plentiful. They’re an alternative to using raised beds and they’re great for growing vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, squash, zucchini, cucumbers, and strawberries with little to no effort on your part. Hay bales are Read More »

January and February Gardening Tasks

Yes, it’s cold and often grey outside, but that doesn’t mean your garden chores are done for the season! Believe it or not, your garden is still a living and growing thing all through winter. Now that the days are growing longer you’ll have more time to get all of your indoor and outdoor gardening Read More »

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