
Fall Flowers That Bring Color To Your Yard

While many think of spring as flower season, that doesn’t mean that your fall flowers and garden has to be devoid of color. Shades of red, yellow, orange, and even pink and purple can all be used to bring a sunny touch to your yard well into the winter months.  Hanging baskets are a great Read More »

Fall Tick Season

Fall is just around the corner. You may be looking forward to cooler nights and bug-free days. Finally, you’re free of worrying about getting bitten by ticks, right? Unfortunately, that’s wrong. As long as the temperature is above freezing tick bites are still possible. Some species of ticks, such as the American Dog Tick and Read More »

Planting in August: What Plants to Choose

While many people think of spring as the perfect time for planting, what you may not realize is that the growing season extends well into the fall for much of the United States. Is planting in August the best time? Plenty of vegetables and flowers thrive in the cool season, and planting during August is Read More »

Summertime Tree Maintenance: Caring for the Biggest Plants in your Yard

Most people don’t consider trees for what they are, plants that occasionally need care. But in some seasons, particularly spring and summer, your trees can often use tree maintenance and a helping hand to keep themselves strong and healthy. In the hot months of summertime, young trees, in particular, may need help maintaining moisture. Whereas Read More »

Prepare Your Property for Spring

Believe it or not, spring is coming, and it’ll be here sooner than you think. For some, you’ll want to prepare your property for those real estate hunters by boosting curb appeal; for others, you just want to make sure that your garden looks its best once the blooms appear. Whatever your reason, a bit Read More »

Snow and Ice Removal Tips from Organically Green

The cold weather is indeed here already, but fortunately for Long Island, the snow hasn’t arrived just yet. Waking up to a blizzard or 2 feet of snow on the ground used to be magical as a child but as we mature snow days and snowmen are replaced by fears of slipping on ice and Read More »

Protect Your Plants from Winter with Anti-Desiccant Spray

Evergreens are a focal point for your winter landscape. Their beautiful green branches coated with snow are the picture of seasonal perfection. While they may look invulnerable maintaining their looks against the elements, they do face one issue during winter and, surprisingly, it’s not the cold. Winter weather, particularly on Long Island, can be very dry, Read More »

Winter Spray. When Do I Start?

Were your plants looking ragged this year? Whether it be from pests, disease, or insects, shrubs and trees can benefit from dormant spray treatments scheduled throughout the year. Organically Green will utilize a dormant winter spray to help prevent damage from these problems before it becomes an issue for your plants. Horticultural oils often made Read More »

When is the best time for tree trimming outdoors?

Most people know that tree trimming is an important part of yard maintenance; but they’re not sure exactly when, or how, to do it. You should trim trees (and shrubs!) regularly to help maintain their look as well as their health. Additionally, regular tree trimming can help prevent problems during storms, as weak or dead Read More »

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